Snapshots from school
About the "Snapshots from school" project
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic posed major challenges to people's everyday lives and the global economy. In the education sector in particular, the situation for students, teachers and parents changed drastically and forced every member of the education system to rethink and act differently, which would probably not have happened at this pace under "normal" conditions. Online resources, asynchronous teaching concepts and new communication and support options had to be mobilized quickly.
These new circumstances produce moments, innovations, creativity and emotions that the project "Snapshots from school" aims to investigate. The aim of this research topic is to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on creativity, flexibility and innovation in education, i.e. what role creativity and innovation play and their relationship to resilience and coping with the challenges for teachers and students. How could creativity help here? How flexibly could the system and those involved react and to what extent do these challenges emotionally burden or relieve the students and teachers? What limits were reached and what changes had a positive effect on individuals? The aim is also to find out what emotional consequences the significantly changed conditions in teaching and learning entail and have entailed.
The aim of the project is not to report on the tragedy of the situation, but to gain insights into the potential of these developments and their effects on people's emotional lives. A collection of experiences, impressions, feelings and emotions should shed some light on the darkness and allow us to learn from the crisis instead of despairing about it.
We expect contributions from this project that
- inform schools and teachers about how lessons are experienced during the COVID-19 school day (teaching materials, project report)
- inform educational research on the role creativity and innovation has played during the COVID-19 school day
- support the teaching of educational science principles (teaching materials)
If you are interested, please contact Andreas Kelz.