Questions for...
Lars Eichen - Professor of Elementary Education
What do you find particularly socially relevant about your work?
Digital media (especially smartphones, tablets and laptops) have changed some aspects of our society in recent years. Children's living environment(s) have also changed significantly as a result. How these changes affect or should affect the development of children, the behavior of family caregivers or the professional work of elementary education specialists is a highly relevant social aspect of my work.
Even though these processes of change have been taking place for a good 20 years, there is still controversy about how children's use of digital media should be handled or how media education can be supported. One of the reasons for this is the lack of scientifically sound results and proposals. My work can make a contribution to this.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you in the classroom so far?
At the start of a new semester, even after 10 years of teaching, I'm still a bit nervous or rather excited to get to know the new groups of students in my seminars. Accordingly, I often get off to a lively start with a few introductory methods so that I can address the students as individually as possible during the semester. It was the same this time. I introduced myself and we started to get to know each other (about 20 minutes). As always, it was interesting and a bit funny. Only then did I switch on the projector to explain the organizational aspects of the course. At this point, there was a bit of unrest and I asked if there was anything I needed to clarify. A student asked if I was sure that I would be giving this seminar. I said yes, that I was sure. It was then made clear to me that this group was attending a different course. ... So after 30 minutes I changed rooms and got to know a new group of students.